CouchSurfing is a worldwide network for making connections between travelers and the local communities they visit. Some people use this way to find a free place to stay or people to hang out with while they are traveling.
When a person surfs a couch, he/she is a guest at someone’s house.The host will provide some sort of accommodation, a penthouse apartment or maybe a backyard to pitch your tent in. Stays can be as short as a cup of coffee, a night or two, or even a few months or more. The host has complete control of who visits. The possibilities are endless.
CouchSurfing helps people make connections worldwide. They can use the network to meet people and then go and surf other members’ couches! The process helps to create a better
world by opening minds, hearts, homes, and lives. It welcomes the knowledge cultural exchange makes available and creates deep and meaningful connections that cross oceans, continents, and societies.
It changes not only the way we travel ,but how we relate to the world!
这种旅游方式是身居两地的朋友或网友,通过协商, 将自己的住房暂借给前来旅游的对方,旅游期间吃住在对方那里,双方都不用花一分钱住宿费,当地的主人还负责接待和导游。旅游的同时也是结交朋友的过程,大 家注重情感的交流。通过这种方式,人们为自己找到旅途中的免费餐宿,虽然有时条件艰苦甚至睡沙发或打地铺,却能让无数充满梦想的年轻人走遍世界!
沙发漫游 已成为一种新的旅游体验方式,有钱的 旅者可互换自己的住房,享受对方的生活品位,无钱的旅者就充当沙发客相互借宿一宵,以节省旅费。
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